Lou Vane

Fortune Falls

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A deadly virus. A group of students trapped in the mountains. Their survival depends on each other.
Seventeen-year-old Jess Maddox leaves home excited and hopeful, certain the leadership camp she's about to join will change her life forever. And she's right.
When a deadly virus outbreak makes the world too dangerous to return to, Jess and the other students are forced to flee to the mountains. As they learn to survive in the wilderness and live together as a community, Jess finds herself drawn to two of her friends. Torn by her feelings for both of them, she needs to make a choice, knowing it could damage the harmony of their group.
As their community prepares for the onset of winter, Jess and her friends are faced with a new threat, and soon realise that the virus isn't the most dangerous thing out there.
Can Jess save her friends before it's too late? Or will she lose everything in their attempt to survive?

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  • Jᜀᜈ᜔ᜈbir izlenim paylaşıldıgeçen yıl

    The book may not look like much but it kept me heated the whole time and its 4am as I'm typing this


  • Jᜀᜈ᜔ᜈalıntı yaptıgeçen yıl
    “Well, because the stars are so far away, by the time their light gets here, we’re basically seeing how they appeared hundreds or even thousands of years ago,” I explain. “Some of these stars might not even exist anymore.”

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