People aren’t just defined by a single moment in their life, even if it’s this huge moment.”
jjochocoalıntı yaptı5 yıl önce
The simplest solution to a problem is most likely the correct one
jjochocoalıntı yaptı5 yıl önce
“It’s my religion, I guess, since I don’t have a real religion. The world is chaos, and then a detective comes along and restores order. Or he doesn’t, and that’s really my favorite kind of mystery story.”
jjochocoalıntı yaptı5 yıl önce
She’d changed all that, and now she was known as the aloof girl, too sophisticated for high school boys.
jjochocoalıntı yaptı5 yıl önce
“If you can meet with triumph and disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same,”
jjochocoalıntı yaptı5 yıl önce
“That’s what I tell her,” Edith said. “All the time. Don’t grow up. It’s not worth it.”
Lola Lobaalıntı yaptı6 yıl önce
People aren’t just defined by a single moment in their life, even if it’s this huge moment.”
Lola Lobaalıntı yaptı6 yıl önce
The simplest solution to a problem is most likely the correct one.
Lola Lobaalıntı yaptı6 yıl önce
He tried to stop remembering it, but kept hearing her whispering his name in his ear, the edge of her teeth against his earlobe.
Lola Lobaalıntı yaptı6 yıl önce
“I love you, Alice. Forever and ever. No matter what happens.”