Michael R. Fletcher

Beyond Redemption

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  • Змеица Кузнецоваalıntı yaptı6 yıl önce
    the borders of man, defined by politics, war, and faith—all three manifestations of delusion—meant even more to gods. Morgen
  • Змеица Кузнецоваalıntı yaptı6 yıl önce
    The Slaver’s power was nothing compared to his rage. It wasn’t delusion, but something more than that—a belief in himself based on experience and pride and fear and all the things that make a sane person able to cope in this mad world
  • Змеица Кузнецоваalıntı yaptı6 yıl önce
    For a few moments the scorpions stayed together, crawling over each other in confusion. Finally, driven by the fading remnants of Stich’s self-loathing, they fell to fighting among themselves. After a protracted battle, the few survivors separated and
  • Змеица Кузнецоваalıntı yaptı6 yıl önce
    Belief defined reality and insanity—which Aufschlag defined as any unnaturally strong belief—manifested as power. But this, Aufschlag understood, was not the only form of power. Knowledge too was power. Though Aufschlag could not alter reality with the strength of his beliefs, he could manipulate it through his understanding of its underpinnings
  • Змеица Кузнецоваalıntı yaptı6 yıl önce
    When you die you’ll be surrounded by the people you killed. Who the hells goes around killing people they like? In the Afterdeath we’ll be surrounded by our enemies
  • Змеица Кузнецоваalıntı yaptı6 yıl önce
    All communication is manipulation,” said Konig. “All interaction, social or otherwise, is a means of getting what you want. It’s the basis of society
  • Змеица Кузнецоваalıntı yaptı6 yıl önce
    Your parents,” corrected Abandonment smoothly. “If Mother can abandon you, who can’t? It’s why I exist. I may be delusion, but I am your reality.”
  • Змеица Кузнецоваalıntı yaptı6 yıl önce
    The closest flashed a hungry feral grin, a glint of white teeth. Another’s gaze darted about as if he expected a sudden attack from the shadows. The last looked as if he might fall to his knees and beg forgiveness for some unknown sin, face desperate for praise, yet knowing he was undeserving.
    Sniveling weakling. Konig hated the last one the most. Knowing the Doppels displayed aspects of his own character made it no easier to accept
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