Damien Downing

The Vitamin Cure for Allergies

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Most people's diets are woefully inadequate for providing proper nutrition. Even good diets fail to deliver sufficient levels of nutrients. THE VITAMIN CURE book series highlights the safe and clinically effective use of vitamin supplements for a variety of illnesses. Research continues to prove the immense value of vitamins for maintaining health and fighting disease. THE VITAMIN CURE books, written by authors who are recognised experts in their field, give you authoritative, up-to-date and practical information on taking vitamins for particular health problems. Throughout the developed world, the number of people with allergies – to inhalants, foods and chemicals – has been rising for fifty years and rising steeply for the last twenty years. Many allergy cases are misdiagnosed and people often don't find relief even when they are treated. The good news is that there are a number of commonsense steps you can take to relieve and even prevent your allergies, with THE VITAMIN CURE FOR ALLERGIES as your guide:. Avoid: Once you have discovered what sets you off, stay away from it. Remove anything to which you react, not only from your environment but from your body, too.. Protect: Use nutrition – including vitamins C and D, essential fatty acids and magnesium – to prevent and/or reduce allergy symptoms.. Desensitise: Desensitisation involves exposure to a small dose of something to which you are allergic in order to lessen your immune system's reaction. Options include homoeopathic formulae, neutralisation and enzyme-potentiated desensitisation (EPD). Many people with allergies have experienced profound improvement by using the recommendations in this book. By incorporating these measures into your own life, you, too, can find lasting relief from allergies.
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