Pete Wilson

Empty Promises Participant's Guide

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What if you could find everything your soul is longing for?
God has a plan to heal the soul's gnawing inner emptiness that is always longing for something more. What drives this futile attempt for fulfillment is the heart's true desire for significance, worth, and value—a desire that can only be met in the person and worship of Jesus Christ.
Join Pastor Pete Wilson in his exploration of the empty promises of the “good life” that includes the seduction of achievement, addiction to approval, idolatry of religion, obsession with money, and more. Learn not only to relinquish these idols, but replace them by turning your focus and worship toward God. It is the only thing that will set you absolutely free from the endless pursuit of everything else.
Features include:
Six sessions of interactive study Five days of personal, interactive Bible study readings for each session Biblically sound teaching and questions for group interaction For use with the Empty Promises DVD-Based Study (ISBN 9781418550547).

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