Fatherhood is quite the adventure, isn't it, Scoobies? It definitely is when you're new father Angel — and that's even before the car chase to the abandoned mine in the desert. Join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred of the Bufferingverse, AKA Bones and Also Bones, AKA the Gunn Squad, AKA Theodore K. Mullins and Frank Scabopolis) as they discuss the appropriately-titled episode "Dad," a story about that old saying that it takes a village to raise a child (and keep it from being dissected or turned into baby soup). Or it at least takes a few rogue demon hunters and a vampire with a soul. LaToya and Morgan also do some pretty terrible Holtz impressions in this podcast episode, if that's what you're into.
LaToya Ferguson: @lafergs
Read An Encyclopedia of Women’s Wrestling
Morgan Lutich: @lorganmutich
Listen to LaToya, Morgan, and their pal Jill discuss The Vampire Diaries on The AMPire Diaries podcast!
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Producers: LaToya Ferguson, Morgan Lutich, and Kristin Russo
Editor: Kristin Russo
Music + Jingles: Jenny Owen Youngs
Logo: Kristine Thune