Penelope Sky


b4153725320alıntı yaptı2 yıl önce

“I noticed you didn’t take your breakfast tray.” Dante stood in a collared shirt with his hands behind his back. He was noticeably cold toward me, disliking me even though he’d never spoken to me before.
“My breakfast tray?”
“I set it in your living room.”
He’d been in my room?
Dante must have noticed the surprise on my face because he said. “There’s a separate doorway in there. I’ve been instructed to bring you breakfast every morning for the next few days.”
“I’m sorry…I didn’t see it.”
He didn’t bother covering his sigh. “Then let me make you some lunch. Come.”
“You don’t have to do that. I can do it myself—”
“You don’t like my cooking?”
“Uh…I never said that.”
“You didn’t eat your breakfast tray, and now you don’t want lunch?” he asked incredulously. “I’ve studied the culinary arts my entire life. My cuisine is the finest in this great country. If you don’t like it, then the issue isn’t with the food—but you.”
Man, we’d gotten off on the wrong foot.
He stared at me with venom in his eyes. If he showed his teeth, he would probably have fangs.
“I really didn’t see the breakfast tray. I would love some lunch because I’m starving. I just didn’t want to bother you…”
“Bother me?” he asked in surprise. “This is what I live for, Sapphire. Taking it away is like taking away a piece of my soul. My purpose is to serve, to make this palace into a home. I treat all of my master’s guests just as I treat him—like royalty.”
I certainly didn’t feel like royalty in that moment—just a pain in the ass.
Now he stared at me with a furious expression, as if he expected me to say something else.
What was I supposed to do? “Uh…I’m sorry I misunderstood.”
“I accept your apology.” He walked past me, his body rigid with pride. “Where will you take your lunch, Sapphire?”
“I have options?”
He stopped and turned around again, his eyes narrowed.
Did I say something stupid again?
“Anywhere you want. Just tell me, and I’ll make it happen.”
“What do you recommend?”
“It’s a beautiful day.” He extended his hand to the window. “Sunny and warm. The terrace is always a great spot.”
“Then I’ll take my lunch there.”
He clapped his hands once. “Excellent. Lunch will be served in just a few minutes.”
I sat on the balcony under the white umbrella, admiring the acres of land Conway owned. The horses grazed in the pasture, and the sun cast the land in a beautiful hue. The gentle breeze brought warm air directly against my cheeks. The water in the pool sparkled under the brilliant sunlight.
Dante served me like a patron at a restaurant. He brought me iced tea first, a basket of bread, and then served a green salad with vinaigrette and grilled chicken with roasted tomatoes.
It was almost three o’ clock, and there was still no sign of Conway.
Dante returned to the terrace and collected my plates. “Did you enjoy it?”
“Yes, it was amazing. Thank you.”
There was more? “I’m full, but thank you.”
His eyes narrowed in offense.
“I mean…of course.”
“Alright. I’ll return with a cup of cof
b4153725320alıntı yaptı2 yıl önce
waist. With eyes glued to mine, he removed my jeans and panties until my lower body was naked.
The moment didn’t feel sexual in nature. It was a level of intimacy we never shared before. With hearts beatings as one and the fear still heavy in our chests, we clung together like magnet and steel. He got my shirt off then my bra before he lay on top of me, his naked body hard and defined. His lips brushed past mine as he positioned himself over me, and his arm hooked around my torso until he had an iron-clad grip on me. If he were going to fuck me he would have already shoved himself inside me. Every minute passed with anticipation, and he took his time focusing on my eyes rather than everything else.
He slid inside me slowly, taking his time like he was in no rush to reach the finish line. His usual look of prevalent darkness was absent. Instead of looking like a man who just killed dozens of men, he looked like a man who just returned from a venture out to see. His brown eyes were warm and he sunk into me purpose. When he was fully situated inside me he slowly rocked into me. It was the kind of sex we had just before he walked out of my apartment for the last time. Slow and tender, it about more than just feeling each other in the most pleasurable ways. It was about every touch and every kiss.
It was about so much more.

talie. Cu ochii lipiți de ai mei, mi-a scos blugii și chiloții până când corpul meu inferior a fost gol.
Momentul nu s-a simțit de natură sexuală. A fost un nivel de intimitate pe care nu l-am mai împărtășit până acum. Cu inimile bătând ca una și frica încă grea în piept, ne-am agățat împreună ca magnetul și oțelul. Mi-a scos cămașa, apoi sutienul înainte să se întindă deasupra mea, cu corpul gol dur și definit. Buzele i-au trecut pe lângă ale mele în timp ce se poziționa deasupra mea, iar brațul lui s-a agățat de trunchiul meu până când a avut o prindere îmbrăcată în fier pe mine. Dacă avea de gând să mă fută, s-ar fi băgat deja în mine. Fiecare minut trecea cu anticipare și își lua timpul concentrându-se mai degrabă pe ochii mei decât pe orice altceva.
A alunecat încet în mine, luându-și timpul de parcă nu s-ar fi grăbit să ajungă la linia de sosire. Privirea lui obișnuită de întuneric predominant era absentă. În loc să arate ca un om care tocmai a ucis zeci de oameni, arăta ca un om care tocmai s-a întors dintr-o aventură să vadă. Ochii lui căprui erau calzi și s-a scufundat în scopul meu. Când era pe deplin situat în mine, s-a legănat încet în mine. A fost genul de sex pe care l-am avut chiar înainte să iasă din apartamentul meu pentru ultima dată. Lent și tandru, este mai mult decât să ne simțim unul pe celălalt în cele mai plăcute moduri. Era vorba despre fiecare atingere și fiecare sărut.
Era vorba despre mult mai mult.

b4153725320alıntı yaptı2 yıl önce
until the moment was completely over, stimulating my sensitive clit with his tongue. He gave me a final kiss before he pulled away. “Damn good pussy…” He rose to his feet and undid his jeans.
I stared at the ceiling as I caught my breath, feeling the wetness between my legs—and not just from his saliva. I ran my fingers through my hair, so satisfied that I couldn’t comprehend this wonderful feeling. The corset was still tight around my body, restricting my stomach and pressing my tits toward my chin.
He snapped his fingers. “Knees. Now.”
I didn’t appreciate the snap of his fingers, but I kept my attitude in check. Now that he had made me feel good, obeying didn’t seem so difficult. He kissed me in a place I’d never been kissed before—and it was heaven.
I judged myself for enjoying it.
I moved to my knees on the floor, folding my feet underneath me like last time. My hands rested on my thighs, and I watched him drop his jeans and kick them to the side. When he was just in black boxers, his thighs looked toned in the cotton fabric. He was masculine everywhere, from the trail of hair down his stomach to the thickness of his legs. He was all muscle and skin—no fat. When I was in his office, I hardly ever saw him eat. Now it made sense.
He dropped his boxers, revealing the enormous dick that was proudly erect. Large veins moved up the shaft, and the crown was already oozing with pre-cum. The hair around his balls had been trimmed down until it was mostly skin. But his girth and length were both unbelievable, even to my limited standards. It was the kind of dick I’d seen in a porn video, not on a real man.
But his dick was just as impressive as the rest of him.
Now that I was on my knees and at eye level with his waist, I knew exactly what he wanted me to do.
His fingers wrapped around his length, and he gently pumped himself as he stepped toward me. “Kiss me.” He pulled himself down by the shaft and pointed his crown right at my mouth.
I craned my neck and pressed my lips to his head, kissing the smooth skin and feeling the stickiness from his arousal. It smeared across my lips like lipstick, forming a thick coating that made my mouth slippery.
“Eyes on me.”
My head tilted up to look at him, to see that same concentrated expression I’d seen before. But there was a flush of redness to his face, a deep look of excitement. His hand moved into my hair, his fingers securing themselves in the soft strands.
He grabbed his shaft and pointed his crown to the ceiling. “Start here.”
I pressed my mouth to his textured sac and kissed it the way I’d kissed his crown. I started off slow, keeping my eyes on him while trying to focus on what I was doing. After the way he made me feel, I wanted to make him feel good too. I didn’t want him to regret buying me, not when he could sell me back to Knuckles if I wasn’t worth the price he paid.
“More tongue.”
I kissed his balls the way I would kiss a man, giving my tongue as well as my lips. My saliva coated his rough skin, s

până când momentul s-a terminat complet, stimulându-mi clitorisul sensibil cu limba lui. Mi-a dat un ultim sărut înainte să plece. "Păsărică al naibii de bună ..." s-a ridicat în picioare și și-a desfăcut blugii.
M—am uitat la tavan în timp ce îmi respiram, simțind umezeala dintre picioare-și nu doar din saliva lui. Mi-am trecut degetele prin păr, atât de mulțumit încât nu am putut înțelege acest sentiment minunat. Corsetul era încă strâns în jurul corpului meu, restricționându-mi stomacul și apăsându-mi sânii spre bărbie.
A pocnit din degete. "Genunchi. Acum.”
Nu am apreciat pocnirea degetelor lui, dar mi-am ținut atitudinea sub control. Acum că mă făcuse să mă simt bine, ascultarea nu părea atât de dificilă. M—a sărutat într-un loc în care nu mai fusesem sărutată până acum-și era raiul.
M-am judecat pentru că mi-a plăcut.
M-am mutat în genunchi pe podea, împăturindu-mi picioarele sub mine ca data trecută. Mâinile mele s-au sprijinit pe coapse și l-am privit cum își aruncă blugii și îi dă cu piciorul în lateral. Când era doar în boxeri negri, coapsele lui păreau tonifiate în țesătura de bumbac. Era masculin peste tot, de la urma părului până la stomac până la grosimea picioarelor. Era doar mușchi și piele-fără grăsime. Când eram în biroul lui, aproape că nu l-am văzut mâncând. Acum avea sens.
Și-a scăpat boxerii, dezvăluind Pula enormă care era mândră erectă. Venele mari se mișcau în sus pe arbore, iar coroana curgea deja cu pre-esperma. Părul din jurul bilelor lui fusese tăiat până când era în mare parte piele. Dar circumferința și lungimea lui erau ambele incredibile, chiar și la standardele mele limitate. Era genul de pula pe care o văzusem într-un videoclip porno, nu pe un bărbat adevărat.
Dar pula lui era la fel de impresionantă ca și restul lui.
Acum că eram în genunchi și la nivelul ochilor cu talia lui, știam exact ce voia să fac.
Degetele lui înfășurat în jurul lungimea lui, și el a pompat ușor el însuși ca el a pășit spre mine. "Sărută-mă."S-a tras în jos de arbore și și-a îndreptat coroana chiar spre gura mea.
Mi-am ridicat gâtul și mi-am lipit buzele de capul lui, sărutând pielea netedă și simțind lipiciul din excitarea lui. Mi-a uns buzele ca rujul, formând un strat gros care mi-a făcut gura alunecoasă.
"Ochii pe mine.”
Capul meu s-a înclinat să-l privesc, să văd aceeași expresie concentrată pe care o văzusem înainte. Dar pe fața lui era o înroșire, o privire profundă de emoție. Mâna lui s-a mișcat în părul meu, degetele fixându-se în firele moi.
Și-a apucat axul și și-a îndreptat coroana spre tavan. "Începeți aici.”
Mi-am lipit gura de sacul lui texturat și l-am sărutat așa cum i-am sărutat coroana. Am început încet, ținându-mi ochii pe el în timp ce încercam să mă concentrez asupra a ceea ce făceam. După felul în care m-a făcut să mă simt, am vrut să-l fac și pe el să se simtă bine. Nu am vrut să regrete că m-a cumpărat, nu când m-ar putea vinde înapoi lui Knuckles dacă nu meritam prețul pe care l-a plătit.
"Mai multă limbă.”
I-am sărutat mingile așa cum aș săruta un bărbat, dându-mi limba și buzele. Saliva mea i-a acoperit pielea aspră, s

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