Rachel Wilson

Heaven's Promise (Haunting Hearts Series, Book 2)

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In the timeworn pages of a secret diary lies the dark mystery of a woman's soul…and the shining destiny of a woman's heart.It's 1895, forty years since Susanna Clement's great-aunt disappeared, leaving only a mysterious diary as her legacy, and much to Susanna's annoyance, Julian Kittrick--a dashing, care-for-nothing newspaperman--is creating new scandal out of old stories.But when the ghost of her great-aunt's beloved fiance begins making trouble, and memories of her dearly departed ancestor invade Susanna's dreams, she reluctantly teams up with Julian to free a spirit trapped on earth--and a love waiting to be born.HAUNTING HEARTS SERIES, in order Restless SoulsHeaven's PromiseBittersweet SummerSpirit of Love
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