Insight Guides

Insight Guides: Explore Vietnam

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  • Viktoriyaalıntı yaptı3 yıl önce
    Classical Vietnamese literature concerns itself greatly with myths and legends. Undoubtedly the best-known piece of writing in Vietnam is Tale of Kieu, a 3,254-verse epic poem written by 18th-century author Nguyen Du.
  • Viktoriyaalıntı yaptı3 yıl önce
    a lady the age of your grandmother Chào bà.

    for a lady the age of your aunt chào co

    for a lady slightly older than you chào chị

    for a man the age of your grandfather chào ông

    for a man slightly older than you chào anh

    for a man the age of your uncle chào bác

    for a person the age of your younger sibling chào em

    for a child chào con

    Goodbye Tậm biệt

    Excuse me (begging pardon) Xin lỗi

    Excuse me (asking for service) Chị ıi! Anh ıi! Em ıi! (etc)
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