They’d never fade, not even in the afterlight of all of this.
marti leonalıntı yaptı4 yıl önce
Nico. Ni-co-las.
Warm Nico.
marti leonalıntı yaptı4 yıl önce
A small shape appeared, the cot next to mine groaned. He came forward now. It was safe. Nico. Nico, help.
A cold cloth on my face, cleaning. My hands. Neck. Careful. Careful, Nico. Aching head, soft touches, soft fingertips. Nice
marti leonalıntı yaptı4 yıl önce
Memory and imagination are two different beasts, processed and handled in different ways by the mind
marti leonalıntı yaptı4 yıl önce
You should be changing the world to accept you. To let you exist as you are, without being cut open and damaged
marti leonalıntı yaptı4 yıl önce
Do you know why I hate this cure? It’s a statement that what we are is inherently wrong. It’s a punishment for something that isn’t our fault—all because they can’t control their fear about what we can do, any more than they can control their resentment that there are people out there stronger and more powerful than they are. They want to strip you of yourself—your ability to protect and enforce your right to make decisions about your life. Your own body. Mark my words: in the end, it won’t be a choice. They’ll decide this for you.”
marti leonalıntı yaptı4 yıl önce
Why?” Why kill them, why waste their lives, why do it like they were animals that needed to be put down, why—why them—
“Because they couldn’t be controlled. Period.
marti leonalıntı yaptı4 yıl önce
Leave it to Clancy to mentally cast himself as the hero in every story
marti leonalıntı yaptı4 yıl önce
But I had a feeling if I brought it up to my nose, it would have that scent—that one indescribable fragrance that no amount of cleaning could ever scrub from libraries and bookstores
marti leonalıntı yaptı4 yıl önce
Hell no, I’m not coming in. If he takes over your head, I’m going to lock you both in there together and go get help.”