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Freedom From Bondage—One Day At A Time In A.A. is a personal journey in recovery through a series of reflections on Alcoholism and Addiction, The Alcoholic Mind, A.A. and the Program of Recovery, A.A. and God, the Meaning of a Spiritual Life, the Big Book stories and the Twelve Steps, Traditions & Concepts. We alcoholics have a common problem with a common solution to recover from a hopeless state of mind and body through the Twelve Step program and support of our Fellowship. Our experiences are unique, but they often overlap. They can be used to help others, as I hope mine will help another. Alex M. is a long-time recovered member of Alcoholics Anonymous who has written about A.A. with a focus on how to recover in A.A. regardless of one's religious or spiritual beliefs. His other five books about A.A. are: Here Are The Steps We Took—How to Complete the 12 Steps of A.A. in Eight Sessions, Practice These Principles—Daily Meditations on the 12 Step Principles of A.A., Design For Living—Daily Meditations on the 12 Steps of A.A. for Atheists & Agnostics, Daily Reprieve—A.A. for Atheists & Agnostics, a daily meditation book on the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, and the lighthearted Gods of Our Misunderstanding In A.A.—Not Just for Atheists & Agnostics.
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