Anthony R Carson


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I'm a research scientist in the field of Artificial Intelligence today. 30 years ago, I crawled out of a Rock Island box car to figure my way into the world. This story is my plight to find enlightenment which begins in the 60's through Vietnam. My brother and I were beaten severely. We suffered broken bones, starvation, isolation and human torture but in the end, we triumph over the obstacles and trek into unknown territory to discover all that can be.. rather than what we are told the limitations we faced.
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  • Anthony Carsonbir izlenim paylaşıldı5 ay önce
    👍Okumaya değer

    Estoppels took 5 years to write. I tried my best to go back over 30 years to put in a timeline the order of events to the best of my recollection. I've been told my life was a tragedy and many who read my stories of my youth begin to feel sorry and I always tell them "If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't have changed a thing." You see, it is the life I was given and what made me who I am. Many I was homeless with as a child are gone now. They died or faded from memory long ago. I wish I could see some of them again and see how they fared. I hope some made it out. I removed the book a few years ago because of theft and torrent versions being passed around. If you want a copy, simply let me know at my YT channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWIcRKgNm39mcgEMLxVmckA and I'll upload one to you personally.

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