Cheryl,Micah Chavers

Your Rejection, God's Protection

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Whether you are a CEO, a stay-at-home mom, or a student, at some point in life you will experience rejection! Rejection will attempt to interrupt the plans for your life, your success, and your happiness. It may cause you to feel bitter, angry and resentful. But what if your rejection was actually God’s way of protecting you? What if challenges happened in your life, so you could share your testimony of deliverance and empower others? Your Rejection, God’s Protection, analyzes the response of several characters in the Bible who were rejected, as well as highlights modern day testimonies of those who have experienced adversity and overcome. The reader is provided with a unique viewpoint on rejection and how God rejects, protects and strategically maneuvers us through painful circumstances into one of hope. By applying the principles in the book, you will see rejection in a new light, to help you live life more abundantly.
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