We’re not trying to ace tests or impress teachers. We are reading and studying to live, to be good human beings—always and forever.
Archika Darraalıntı yaptı5 yıl önce
Everyone had a job—a specific duty. Even people who did bad things—they were doing their job of being evil because evil is a part of life.
Archika Darraalıntı yaptı5 yıl önce
He was much more interested in hearing what the other person had to say than making sure he was heard or—as most of us insist upon—winning the argument.
Silverberryalıntı yaptı4 saat önce
Don’t set your heart on so many things,” says Epictetus. Focus. Prioritize.
Silverberryalıntı yaptı6 saat önce
We should enjoy this brief time we have on earth—not be enslaved to emotions that make us miserable and dissatisfied
Iana Martinezalıntı yaptıgeçen ay
A s the Stoics have said many times, getting angry almost never solves anything. Usually, it makes things worse. We get upset, then the other person gets upset—now everyone is upset, and the problem is no closer to getting solved.
Iana Martinezalıntı yaptıgeçen ay
Practice the ability of having absolutely no thoughts about something—act as if you had no idea it ever occurred. Or that you’ve never heard of it before. Let it become irrelevant or nonexistent to you. It’ll be a lot less powerful this way.
Iana Martinezalıntı yaptıgeçen ay
is possible to hold no opinion about a negative thing. You just need to cultivate that power instead of wielding it accidentally. Especially when having an opinion is likely to make us aggravated.
Iana Martinezalıntı yaptıgeçen ay
We have the power to hold no opinion about a thing and to not let it upset our state of mind—for things have no natural power to shape our judgments.