Maybe, but however you look at it – it’s a narrow life.
callum oneillalıntı yaptı5 yıl önce
STEPHEN: I’ve never been on the Congo, but probably they had some good sensible ideas about life there.
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HEIMER: It sounds okay, but they could talk like that on the Congo.
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FRED: Chap who comes from Wiltshire way – breeds pigs. George says he’s no size at all – she’d make two of him – but he’s a
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bossy little runt an’ he’ll master her in no time. Seen him do it already once or twice, George has.
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HEIMER: (Solemnly.) If she was an American, my friends, she’d be quite a dish.
CHRIS: (With quiet fervour.) She is better than a dish.
callum oneillalıntı yaptı5 yıl önce
HEIMER: (Solemnly.) If she was an American, my friends, she’d be quite a dish.
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With marked charm.) My dear young lady – if you will allow an old man the privilege of calling you a dear young lady – forget you’re an official and take a little holiday. We’ll put some roses into those pretty cheeks of yours.
callum oneillalıntı yaptı5 yıl önce
STEPHEN: Archaeologist? She might. The sexes seem to share everything there – except sexual life. But what about the second chap – the one who isn’t dark and Indian and hasn’t hurt himself, we hope?
callum oneillalıntı yaptı5 yıl önce
CHRIS: (Smiling at BAHRU; with delicate over-emphasis.)
‘Be not afeared; the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.