Lisa Swerling,Ralph Lazar

Happiness Is . . . 500 Ways to Be in the Moment

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Mindful living is happy living. Discover five hundred ways to notice—and embrace—the best moments in life.
This refreshing book from the creators of Happiness Is. . . . illustrates five hundred inspiring ways to slow down, unplug, de-stress, connect with others, and relish the simple moments in life: sitting under a ceiling fan on a hot day, taking lunch away from your desk, letting go of negative thoughts, a beach yoga session, and more.
Featuring charming illustrations and a friendly tone, this book sparks positive reflection and serves to remind us that happiness is all around—and within.
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  • miragulfembir izlenim paylaşıldı4 yıl önce

    Happiness is finding simple things to be happy about. And being happy with small things, not setting expectations high. Cute book.

  • lhcwnbir izlenim paylaşıldı2 yıl önce
    👍Okumaya değer

  • cindy michellabir izlenim paylaşıldı3 yıl önce
    👍Okumaya değer

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