Even on a sultry afternoon like this one, when cold and damp did not trouble the hinges of his skeleton,
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fortune and his reputation through a l
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. Yet even through this distorting pane it seemed to the old man that he had never before glimpsed two beings more intimate in their parsimonious sharing of a sunny summer afternoon than these.
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even through this distorting pane it seemed to the old man that he had never before glimpsed two beings more intimate in their parsimonious sharing of a sunny summer afternoon than these.
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was ancient glass the old man peered through, rich with ripples and bubbles that twisted and toyed with the world outside. Yet e
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With each step the boy dragged his toes in the rail bed, as if measuring out his journey with careful ruled marks of his shoetops in the gravel.
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through a long and brilliant series of extrapolations from unlikely groupings of facts—could not, could never, have begun to foretell.
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He was struck, as well, by their apparent silence. It
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brought the long bones of his face closer to the window-pane.