. I eventually recall that God and others are counting on me to move and function at my best. Then my attention is back on those who need me, and the stress begins to fade.
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Drink more water and vegetable juices and less of any other beverages and cut out any stimulant drinks like coffee, soda, or tea.
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Do away with heavy carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, and other flour products.
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Do not eat any carbohydrate-rich foods after your midday meal. Eat only green vegetables as carbohydrates in the late afternoon and evening
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Drastically reduce grains and sugars.
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Some good times for adding protein and carbohydrates are: • Late Morning:Protein meal • Late Afternoon:Protein/carbohydrates • After Dinner:Protein (Can do a protein shake using egg protein or whey from grass-fed cow milk.)
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Good Evening Protein
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Preferred Evening Foods Just Animal Protein and Vegetables.High-qual