Jean Potter,MaryAnn F. Kohl

Science Arts

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Over 200 process art ideas stress exploration in an independent, non-competitive open-ended setting. Art encourages the process of creativity, discovery, and exploration. Activities need only basic art supplies and common kitchen supplies. Three indexes, charted Table of Contents, all child-tested and approved. For all ages. For home, school,homeschool, childcare, libraries, museums. “Scribble Art” remains the top favorite of the author, MaryAnn F. Kohl.Art activities include:- Arm Dancing- Chalk Stencil- Fabric Transfer- Bead Clay- Experi-Paint- Puff-It Paints- Sawdust Modeling- Goop- Wire Sculpture- Sprinkle Dots- Nail Collage- String Thing- Color Spin- Puppet Treasure Box- Scribble Cookies
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