Alun Richardson

Rucksack Guide – Ski Mountaineering and Snowshoeing

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Rucksack Guide — Ski Mountaineering and Snowshoeing is your
essential handbook for when on the mountain. It offers concise guidance
and support for whatever situations you might find yourself in,

technical skills: tips and reminders on the key techniques equipment: choosing the right skis and looking after them
finding the best snow: testing for weak spots and crossing crevassessafety: essential procedures to ensure the safety of yourself, your party and others on the mountainemergencies: guidance on what to do in extreme situations.
The book is colour-coded for easy reference and all information is
presented in lists and tables, making it simple to understand in
testing conditions.

The Rucksack Guide series is adapted from Mountaineering: The essential skills for mountain walkers and climbers, the definitive handbook for hill walkers, climbers and mountaineers.
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