Jacqueline Woodson

Another Brooklyn

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Running into a long-ago friend sets memory from the 1970s in motion for August, transporting her to a time and a place where friendship was everything – until it wasn’t. For August and her girls, sharing confidences as they ambled through neighbourhood streets, Brooklyn was a place where they believed that they were beautiful, talented, brilliant – a part of a future that belonged to them.
But beneath the hopeful veneer, there was another Brooklyn, a dangerous place where grown men reached for innocent girls in dark hallways, where ghosts haunted the night, where mothers disappeared. A world where madness was just a sunset away and fathers found hope in religion.
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  • Xoch Rodríguez Q.bir izlenim paylaşıldı5 yıl önce
    👍Okumaya değer
    🚀Elden Düşmeyen


  • Xoch Rodríguez Q.alıntı yaptı5 yıl önce
    I want your promised future filling up the empty space ahead of me.
  • Xoch Rodríguez Q.alıntı yaptı5 yıl önce
    Maybe this is how it happened first for everyone—adults promising us their own failed futures
  • Xoch Rodríguez Q.alıntı yaptı5 yıl önce
    know now that what is tragic isn’t the moment. It is the memory.

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