“It’s actually a simple question, Hopkins. Which would frighten you more? A slave who is crazy or a slave who is sane and sees you clearly?”
Ian Romel Mendozaalıntı yaptı7 ay önce
We knew that she, I, all of us, were forever naked in the world.
Ian Romel Mendozaalıntı yaptı7 ay önce
Hope is funny. Hope is not a plan. Actually, it’s just a trick.
Ian Romel Mendozaalıntı yaptı7 ay önce
My fearsome reputation had apparently been established.
Ian Romel Mendozaalıntı yaptı7 ay önce
IF ONE KNOWS hell as home, then is returning to hell a homecoming? Even in hell, were there such a place, one would know where the fires were just a little cooler, where the rocks were just a little less jagged. And so it was in my hell.
Ian Romel Mendozaalıntı yaptı7 ay önce
White people often spent time admiring their survival of one thing or another. I imagined it was because so often they had no need to survive, but only to live.
Ian Romel Mendozaalıntı yaptı7 ay önce
Belief has nothing to do with truth. Believe what you like.
Ian Romel Mendozaalıntı yaptı7 ay önce
“You know, dull tools are much more dangerous than sharp ones.”
Ian Romel Mendozaalıntı yaptı7 ay önce
I saw the surface of her, merely the outer shell, and realized that she was mere surface all the way to her core.
Ian Romel Mendozaalıntı yaptı7 ay önce
I had stood and listened to this transaction and never once was I asked for either opinion or desire. I was the horse that I was, just an animal, just property, nothing but a thing, but apparently I was a horse, a thing, that could sing.