Jan Silvious

Same Life, New Story

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How’s your life? Does it tell a wonderful story fi lled with grace, character, and courage? Or are you stuck in the past, struggling with regrets and fears?
Same Life, New Story is a ten-week Bible study that offers women a powerful truth: one small change can have profound effects. With humor, vulnerability, and transparency, Jan Silvious—a professional life coach—uses a unique blend of modern-day anecdotes and biblical character stories to bring you out of the land of what is and victoriously into the land of what can be.
Each chapter examines the life of a woman from the Bible, providing unique insights into scripture as well as questions for personal reflection and journal exercises. Learn how to overcome the past, conquer fear, say “I can,” face adversity, and harness resilience.
See your story through the eyes of Naomi, Leah, Rahab, and Deborah. Discover—as Hannah, Abigail, and Elizabeth did—the irreplaceable role that God longs to play in your life. Learn, as Jan did firsthand, that changing your perspective can truly change your life. Within you lies a new story just begging to be told. What are you waiting for?

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