Mary McHugh

Good Granny/Bad Granny

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This mischievously funny and charmingly illustrated volume celebrates grandmothers who love to spoil their grandchildren rotten!
Every grandmother knows that having grandchildren is one of the greatest pleasures in life. When your children finally get around to having their own children, you get a beautiful new baby in your life—and best of all, you’re not responsible for how this one turns out!
Now comes the dilemma. Should you be a Good Granny who gives the little cherub healthy food and educational toys? Or should you be a Bad Granny, indulging your grandkid in Kentucky Fried Chicken, video game marathons and trips to the racetrack? In Good Granny/Bad Granny, Mqry McHugh explores both sides in a hilarious series of examples, all delightfully illustrated by Patricia Storms.
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