Matthew Hall

If I Started to Cry, I Wouldn’t Stop

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“If I started to cry, I wouldn't stop” is a snapshot in time — of the glorious, problematic, and cursed path of football in Australia (yes all those things), starting with Mark Bosnich in Sydney in 1996 and ending with Harry Kewell in Istanbul in 2009 — and many things in between. At a time when football wasn't quite so 'cool' or popular, Matthew Hall managed to actually get paid to report on the game, beyond the hamstrings and groins, and looking — as he says — back stage. He closely observed all that he writes about over more than a decade as one of the few journalists in Australia writing about what was happening off-the-field. For anyone who remembers these times, it's a terrific trip down memory lane. For those who don't, or who were not even alive at the time, read and learn!
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