Ed Young,Jo Beth Young,Michael Duncan,Richard Leachman

Total Heart Health for Women Workbook

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Transform  your heart health!
If you're like most women, you want to get in shape and eat right, but you struggle to stick to a program long enough to see results. And while you know that a healthy physical heart is vital to your well being, recent medical research suggests a healthy spiritual heart may be just as important.
Total Heart Health for Women Workbook is a step-by-step resource that skillfully combines wellness strategies to keep both your body and soul in perfect sync. Centering on the 90 Day Total Heart Health Challenge, topnotch cardiologists and a fitness expert join pastor Ed and Jo Beth Young to guide you in:
Pinpointing your habits with a Personal Lifestyle Assessment Tailoring goals to what you need to change Staying motivated with day-by-day guidance Focusing on God through prayer and guided Bible readings Eating healthfully with specific menus and recipes Whether you want to feel energetic from morning until night, embrace a closer relationship with God, or simply desire a more balanced lifestyle, take the challenge to transform your health?in just 90 days!
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