Tony Kelbrat

The “People Power” Love – Lust Superbook: Book 12. Basic Sex 2 (the Great Lover Pleases With Seduction, Mood, Massage & Orgasm)

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When I was young and naïve, I got my ideas about sex from all the movies and TV shows I watched. I thought you had to move in for the kiss even when you weren't feeling it. I thought it was appropriate to fondle a girl's tits just because I kissed her a few times. I thought it entitled me to intimacy but I was really just a jerk fondling her tits. I was going through caricature moves.

A few times when I got high with girls, they were in the mood. They were liking me so everything was natural; the kissing, the touching, the mutual lust. It was a natural flow. Most guys are not so drop-dead gorgeous that a girl is lusting for them. Some young girls are horny and want sex with any healthy guy. Most older girls are not spontaneous at all. They are looking for a husband. The guy they pick is usually a steady working man who does not inspire lust in them so the sex will be stilted and fumbling but it's all they can get as older women plus they want a steady guy over a superficial good-looking guy.
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