Evan J.Houpt

A Beginners’s Basic Guide to Stock Market Investing: Understanding The Big Picture

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This basic manual guides the novice investor to a working knowledge of the stock market and how to start trading and earning. Written in clear, non-technical language, it defines all of the major terms used by investors and puts them together in an easily understandable framework. The result is a big picture of the many investment choices available, and the pros and cons of each one.
This book answers the beginning investor’s questions, including:
• Finding and choosing a discount broker
• Managing brokerage fees
• Growth stocks vs. dividends
• The difference between mutual funds, index funds, and ETFs
• How to make your first trade

Quick and easy to read, and packed full of useful information, this book decodes investment jargon into plain language and gives the beginner a solid toolkit for learning the ways of the market.
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