Pro-soccerdrills. com

High Level, Complex Soccer Passing Drills

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This e-book has been compiled by the leading experts of Pro-soccerdrills.com, who have visited hundreds of training sessions of professional teams all over Europe in order to collect the best ideas and coaching methods for you. Based on their experiences, they have also created several new methods and soccer drills.

Being able to perform quick and precise passes is one of the crucial skills in soccer. Therefore, in training programs a great emphasis must be laid on improving the players’ technical ability and avoiding mishandling of balls.

In this e-book we have collected twenty effective and complex, high leveled passing drills that will help you improve your players’ teamwork by learning how to keep the ball moving and how to take advantage of the holes in the opposing team’s defense.

Using these soccer exercises will enable you to develop the functional technical skills of passing and receiving, cooperation between soccer players and innervating tactical movements according to the formation and playing style of your team. Moreover, these tasks will also support the improvement of reaction ability, decision making, aerob endurance and cognitive abilities.

Incorporate the following training exercises in your trainings already tomorrow, and receive the congratulations of your colleagues after your next match.

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109 yazdırılmış sayfalar
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Kitap raflarında

  • Kenneth Jensen Bjerg
    • 11
    • 11
  • Giulia Orefici
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  • Dansk Firmapension K/S
    • 5
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