Richard Stokes

Ultimate Guide to Pay Per Click Advertising

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Millions compete for exposure on Google, Yahoo!, and MSN Live Search, but 97% of them fail to get results. Become one of the elite 3% who succeed. How? Search advertising specialist Richard Stokes reveals that and more! Covering all major search engines, this powerful guide discloses: • The “$100 Bidding Myth”: why outbidding competitors rarely results in more traffic • Simple website changes that can increase sales by 500% • How to drive 80% or more of online revenues with rare superconverter keywords • Winning strategies of the world’s top search marketers • The best ads on the internet and how to write them • The real factors for driving high click-through rates • How to find competitors’ budgets, ad copy, and best keywords • How to manage bids without expensive bid-management software • And more!
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