“I need you naked,” he demands. I simply nod. Because I’m unable to deny the most amazing man I’ve ever met anything he wants. Maybe I’m already way past falling.
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Am I falling for him? The thought doesn’t make me feel as anxious as it once would have. If anything, it makes my chest warm.
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Just playing my favorite sport with my brother is the biggest award for me; everything else is a bonus. And playing my favorite sport with my favorite guy watching me in the crowd makes me feel like the king of the fucking universe.
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“I don’t fucking like you wearing another man’s jersey.” “And why is that?” I know he’s baiting me. “I want you to wear my name because you’re mine. I want everyone in here to know you’re here with me. For me.”
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I would burn the world for him and walk right into the flames.
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Blaine Olsen might be trouble, but he might be the best kind of trouble.
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I can’t remember the last time anyone new has given a shit about me. And that’s really fucking sad.
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I’m still in love with the idea of love, so it’s hard for me to go into something without hoping it ends up in forever.
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And Alex? Now that’s a name I haven’t moaned before.