Viktor Frankl

Yes to Life

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  • я с н оalıntı yaptı2 yıl önce
    Then we will be free!
    If the prisoners of Buchenwald, tortured and worked and starved nearly to death, could find some hope in those lyrics despite their unending suffering, Frankl asks us, shouldn’t we, living far more comfortably, be able to say “Yes” to life in spite of everything life brings us?
  • я с н оalıntı yaptı2 yıl önce
    She remembers her father saying “That’s living” at even the slightest pleasures.
  • я с н оalıntı yaptı2 yıl önce
    had a pessimistic, if not entirely depressed, outlook on life.
  • я с н оalıntı yaptı2 yıl önce
    finding grounds for a hopeful outlook despite it all.
  • я с н оalıntı yaptı2 yıl önce
    were in dire need of new ethical coordinates.
  • я с н оalıntı yaptı2 yıl önce
    had been on the brink of death.
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