Albert Ellis

How To Stubbornly Refuse To Make Yourself Miserable About Anything-yes, Anything

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  • Nikolay Vavilinalıntı yaptı7 yıl önce
    A (failure or rejection that blocks your Goals) contributes to but never really causes C.
    Why? Because, obviously, if a hundred people with the same Goal (say, desire to obtain a job) all were blocked at A (got rejected), would they all feel equally depressed at C? Obviously not.
    Some would feel very depressed and suicidal. Some would feel disappointed and sorry but not really depressed. Some would feel relaxed or indifferent. A few would even feel happy. Why? Because these few would conclude that the job they wanted was really unpleasant. Or that they would rather be unemployed than be working.
    So, you see, Activating Events (As) do not directly cause disturbed Consequences (Cs) in your gut—though they may contribute to these feelings
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