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Joel Kenneth,Raphaelson Roman

Writing That Works, 3e: How to Communicate Effectively in Business

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  • нурсalıntı yaptı7 yıl önce
    Don’t write like a lawyer or a bureaucrat
  • нурсalıntı yaptı7 yıl önce
    Writing better does not mean writing more.
  • нурсalıntı yaptı7 yıl önce
    If somebody’s suggestions are helpful, say “Thank you” and use them. If you disagree with them, say “Thank you” and don’t use them.
  • нурсalıntı yaptı7 yıl önce
    No matter how good an editor you are already, you will become better if you follow these two practices:
    Let time elapse between drafts.
    Solicit the opinion of other people.
  • нурсalıntı yaptı7 yıl önce
    The first rule: If it isn’t essential, cut it out.
  • нурсalıntı yaptı7 yıl önce
    The executive recruitment firm Russell Reynolds estimates that 70 percent of jobs are landed through personal contacts.
  • нурсalıntı yaptı7 yıl önce
    The resume is a crucial part of the process. But it won’t get you a job. Companies don’t hire resumes, they hire people — and they make those decisions in an interview
  • нурсalıntı yaptı7 yıl önce
    We had to force ourselves to throw out a lot of good writing that was not quite relevant.
  • нурсalıntı yaptı7 yıl önce
    Whether you are in business, government, or the not-for-profit world, you will have to sell your ideas in writing. In written recommendations to committees or boards to take some action. In written proposals for the funding of grants. However persuasive you are in person, you will be asked to put it in writing.
  • нурсalıntı yaptı7 yıl önce
    In writing a speech, it helps to think about addressing one individual rather than a faceless audience. What you write should sound exactly like you talking to somebody
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