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Top ten New York Times bestselling author J.A. Jance′s classic tale of suspense featuring Seattle detective J.P. Beaumont and his desperate race to track down a twisted killer.
Japanese businessman Tadeo Kurobashi had many passions, including computers, poetry, money, and Samurai lore. So his suicide method of choice would naturally be the ancient art of seppuku - what the uninitiated call ⧡ra-kiri.⟂ut despite the bloody Samurai sword Kurobashi clutches tightly in his lifeless hand, Seattle detective J.P. Beaumont senses the dead software magnate played a less active role in his own demise. Because glaring errors have been made in the time-honoured Asian death ritual - which has Beau looking for someone with a less traditional passion䥯r cold-blooded homicide.
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