Alison Kent


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Melanie Craine knows romance isn't in the cards for her. She's ambitious, and has no time for a man in her busy life.
With all of the other women at the funky gIRL-gEAR.com Web site meeting Mr. Right, someone has to keep things afloat! Then, when hot videographer Jacob Faulkner films her behavior at her friend's wedding, she's livid. Determined to make him see what's beneath her attitude, she tapes herself doing a steamy striptease…for Jacob's eyes only.
Jacob never expected Melanie to retaliate the way she did when he sent that tape! Watching her slowly remove each item of clothing from her body is the most erotic thing he's ever seen. Now that he's on board to film the gIRL-gEAR group for a documentary on successful businesswomen, there's no way he can keep things “professional.” And it can't get any better when he finds out she doesn't want anything more than a sexual relationship. But will it be enough in the end?
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