Act always so as to treat humanity—whether in your own person or that of any other—always as an end and never merely as means.
Aalıntı yaptı3 yıl önce
deontology says (most) acts themselves have intrinsic moral qualities, and it is our duty to do that which is moral.
Aalıntı yaptı3 yıl önce
What if they didn’t think it was wrong?” “How can it be wrong for them if they don’t think it’s wrong?
Aalıntı yaptı3 yıl önce
According to essentialism, some things have essential and accidental properties. A thing’s essential properties are those such that if the thing in question loses them, it ceases to exist.
Aalıntı yaptı3 yıl önce
What is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Aalıntı yaptı3 yıl önce
may find ourselves having more confidence in the conclusion of an inductive argument than in the conclusion of a valid deductive argument.
Aalıntı yaptı3 yıl önce
absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Aalıntı yaptı3 yıl önce
Philosophy is thinking critically about questions that matter.