In this novel, twenty-two years after a horrific act befell her mother, a young woman embarks on a journey of justice and self-discovery.
Elise Thornton has tried for twenty-two years to keep the truth from her daughter Chloe about how she was conceived when her mother was raped by three Nazi soldiers on the day of the Battle of Dunkirk in 1940. But finally, the truth comes out, and there are no more secrets to hide . . .
Chloe is shocked at the revelation and vows to find the men who perpetrated the vile act. Teaming up with her dear friend’s grandson, Sterling Sheppard, they make plans to hunt down the wretched men and bring them to justice.
During the course of their journey, Chloe learns the true meaning of words like “father” and “brother” and comes to understand that the world is not always black and white. For the first time in her life, Chloe opens her mind to the possibility of love and realizes that people grow and change as they mature.
This is an engaging and heartwarming story, bringing to a conclusion the lives of the reader’s favorite residents of Thornton-on-Sea.