It was the craziness of a dying young man with his shoes full of snow.
Lisaalıntı yaptıdün
imagined a toad in a fishbowl
Lisaalıntı yaptıevvelsi gün
recommendation for clemency
Lisaalıntı yaptıevvelsi gün
punitive measure nor as retribution
Lisaalıntı yaptıevvelsi gün
imposed for desertion
Lisaalıntı yaptıevvelsi gün
How did I get so old
Lisaalıntı yaptıevvelsi gün
shed some tears.
Lisaalıntı yaptıevvelsi gün
He dimly sensed that somebody was rescuing him. Billy resented that
Lisaalıntı yaptıevvelsi gün
His head was tilted back and his nostrils were flaring
Lisaalıntı yaptıevvelsi gün
His vision of the outside world was limited to what he could see through a narrow slit between the rim of his helmet and his scarf from home, which concealed his baby face from the bridge of his nose on down