Eye Books,Lightning Books

First Sight

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An opportunity to explore and discover the fiction and non-fiction published by Eye & Lightning Books during 2018.
First Sight features sample chapters from nine books we have published this year, as well as original content from the authors, including Ryan O'Neill on his favourite experimental novels, Simon Edge discussing the inspiration behind his atheist comedy, The Hurtle of Hell, and Emily Maguire's recommendations for great Australian women writers we should all be reading.
Books included in this edition of First Sight are:
The Industry of Human Happiness by James Hall
Self & I by Matthew De Abaitua
An Isolated Incident by Emily Maguire
The Hurtle of Hell by Simon Edge
The Participation Revolution by Neil Gibb
The Aladdin Trial by Abi Silver
Their Brilliant Careers by Ryan O'Neill
The Antipodeans by Greg McGee
The Exphoria Code by Antony Johnston
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