
Bringing Up Children

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Osho responds to a question about the right way to help children to grow without interfering in their natural potentiality.
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38 yazdırılmış sayfalar
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Bunu zaten okudunuz mu? Bunun hakkında ne düşünüyorsunuz?


  • Gul Tajalıntı yaptı4 yıl önce
    The child needs your love, not your help. The child needs nourishment, support, but not your help.
  • Gul Tajalıntı yaptı4 yıl önce
    Every way of helping a child is wrong. The very idea of helping is not right.
  • Дарья Лопайкоalıntı yaptı7 yıl önce
    Forty-two is the right time for a person to be able to know exactly who he is.

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