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Ryan Holiday

Stillness Is the Key

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  • Carolina Garcésalıntı yaptı6 ay önce
    To be steady while the world spins around you. To act without
    frenzy. To hear only what needs to be heard. To possess quietude—exterior and interior—on command.
  • ainevlaalıntı yaptı2 yıl önce
    We have to get better at thinking, deliberately and intentionally, about the big questions. On the complicated things. On understanding what’s really going on with a person, or a situation, or with life itself.
  • ainevlaalıntı yaptı2 yıl önce
    The Daodejing points out that when clay is formed around emptiness, it becomes a pitcher that can hold water. Water from the pitcher is poured into a cup, which is itself formed around emptiness. The room this all happens in is itself four walls formed around emptiness.
  • ainevlaalıntı yaptı2 yıl önce
    You have plenty on your plate right now. Focus on that, no matter how small or insignificant it is. Do the very best you can right now.
  • ainevlaalıntı yaptı2 yıl önce
    Don’t reject a difficult or boring moment because it is not exactly what you want. Don’t waste a beautiful moment because you are insecure or shy. Make what you can of what you have been given. Live what can be lived. That’s what excellence is. That’s what presence makes possible.
  • ainevlaalıntı yaptı2 yıl önce
    The less energy we waste regretting the past or worrying about the future, the more energy we will have for what’s in front of us.
  • ainevlaalıntı yaptı2 yıl önce
    The real present moment is what we choose to exist in, instead of lingering on the past or fretting about the future. It’s however long we can push away the impressions of what’s happened before and what we worry or hope might occur at some other time. Right now can be a few minutes or a morning or a year—if you can stay in it that long.
  • ainevlaalıntı yaptı2 yıl önce
    We, in fact, try desperately to get out of it—by thinking, doing, talking, worrying, remembering, hoping, whatever
  • Azizaalıntı yaptı3 yıl önce
    PART I
    The mind is restless, Krishna, impetuous, self-willed, hard to train: to master the mind seems as difficult as to master the mighty winds.
  • Azizaalıntı yaptı3 yıl önce
    The only problem was that if their logic turned out to be wrong, no one would be around to account for their mistake. Because everyone would be dead.
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